HICO Group Uganda > Services > ABBA HICO Group Foundation

ABBA HICO Group Foundation

1. Aid to less privileged communities or orphans.

Its an arm of HICO group that handles corporate social responsibility (CSR). It does outreach, help people in need, sensitize people on various issues like health information, provide education sponsorship to the less privilege. One of the objectives of the company is to increase literacy rates among the vulnerable communities.

Target disadvantaged adults and vulnerable children, training them in biblical life skills that develops Christian character resulting into responsible citizens.

2. Environment Disaster victims

Engage in conflict resolution and peace building in Uganda. Offer relief to any disaster stricken community in Uganda and elsewhere that is to say provide aid inform of food, shelter like tents where they sleep plus the necessary materials that help in their day to day living.

3.Under privileged widows, school drop outs and single parents plus disabled.

Abba provides career guidance to students in school and young adults in between jobs. This company also helps the widows and single parents to engage in (SMEs) small medium enterprises so that they can improve their lives and upgrade their statuses.

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